Adult (19 years and older) Basic fee | $60 |
Junior (under 19) Basic fee | $0 |
Fee for each daytime league | $30 |
Fee for each evening league | $50 |
Additional fee for members living outside of Perth, Drummond/North Elmsley, or Tay Valley: $100
(as mandated by the Town of Perth)
Membership fees are for the season which runs from May through October (if the weather cooperates). In addition to playing in the leagues, members are encouraged to arrange to play with other members at times when league play is not scheduled. Fees are due by May 1.
At our tennis club, we believe in fostering an environment of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. As part of our commitment to making tennis accessible, we offer financial support for membership and league fees. Contact our President, Steven Welchner, for confidential assistance at steven@welchnerresearch.ca.
Membership Application
Members can apply to play in one or more leagues space permitting (the leagues are identified on the home page). There are leagues for men’s doubles, women’s doubles, mixed doubles, as well as competitive mixed doubles. Members may need to try out for the competitive league to ensure that their skill level is appropriate.
The convenor will determine the format and matchups each week. Play typically lasts two hours, and includes three sets.
League play typically starts in early May. Each league has its own convenor who has the final say on league membership. The convenor will send a schedule prior to the start of the league showing when players will play and when they will have byes. If a member is scheduled to play on a day that the member is unavailable, the member is responsible to obtain a replacement from the members not scheduled to play that week.
There are two options for membership application:
You can fill out your membership application on-line by clicking here.
A new window will open in your browser with the form. Fill in the form and click the SUBMIT button. You will receive an email confirmation. Your form will also be sent to the Club Treasurer. DO NOT PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEE UNTIL YOU RECEIVE AN INVOICE email indicating acceptance of your application.
Click to download a PDF version of the membership application and print both sides of the form. Fill in the form with ink pen and sign it.
The application form may be dropped off at 36 Drummond Street West (across from the hospital), given to any member of the PTTC executive, or scanned and emailed to the Club Treasurer. DO NOT PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEE UNTIL YOU RECEIVE AN INVOICE email indicating acceptance of your application.
After receiving an invoice (which indicates acceptance of your membership application and acceptance into the various leagues) please pay your membership fee no later than May 1. Payment is accepted by cheque to Perth Tay Tennis Club, by cash in a sealed envelope with your name given to a PTTC executive member, or by e-transfer. If paying by e-transfer send payment to payment@perthtaytennis.ca. The account will auto-accept your payment.
Rules and Etiquette
Proper tennis attire and footwear must be worn.
Except when playing on a rented court, when other groups are waiting to play the group playing should yield the court after 30 minutes.
A guest may play in a club event provided there are no other members wanting to play. The guest fee is $10.
The club is a member of the Ontario Tennis Association. Members are requested to become familiar with the Ontario Tennis Association’s published “Tennis Etiquette.”
This includes keeping the courts tidy and safe and respecting others on the courts.
All members are required to become familiar with and adhere to the following policies:
Conduct Policy
Concussion Prevention and Management Policy