2017 Women’s Doubles Tournament

In 2015 Pam Anderson and Lynn Jenkins were the champions (last year’s tournament was rained out). They repeated their winning ways this year against the team of Jeanne MacKinnon and Wendy Brooks. It was a beautiful day and unfortunate that…

2017 Season Opening Tournament

After all the unfriendly weather this spring Saturday morning was a great day for tennis, with a bit of wind sometimes. With 30 people we played until 1:30 (thanks to Paul for the scheduling) with plenty of time to snack…

Windscreens taken down Oct 11

After the last Tuesday morning mixed league date of the 2016 season 4 people took down the windscreen in a little over an hour. The highly efficient workers are: Len McQuat, Wendy Brooks, Bill Green, Tom Baumgartner. Note that Len…

2016 Men’s Doubles Championship

A warm Saturday morning saw 6 teams competing for the gold (Olympic year reference). Dave Snider and Len Bolton won resoundingly according to organizer Lynn Jenkins. Pam Anderson assisted in umpiring the tournament. Pictured left to right are teams that…

Benches renewed by Len

Len McQuat is a new member this year. He took on the job of replacing the wood slats on our two fences. They should last for many more years now.

Windscreens Up June 4

A great crew showed up to install the windscreens. With the large turnout the job took less than 2 hours and looks great. After the job was finished and pictures were taken some stayed to play tennis.John Ricard is missing…

Windscreens Down October 21

Thanks to a 1 hour response from John Clement and Michael Reeve when Tom Baumgartner decided the weather was cooperating the windscreens were taken down in about an hour.